This is a unique, totally personalized one-to-one, science-based service offered by us. We rely on SWOT analysis to decipher your personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, areas of improvement & behavioural pattern. We have devised a customized assessment called ‘DiscoverMySelf‘. Once the parent/s complete the assessments, the data is analyzed by our experts and they generate a detailed report. This would provide lot of insights on your overall personality which is leveraged during face-to-face counselling to guide you towards becoming a better parent! A list of personalized suggestions are given to make your parenting more enjoyable & effective. Armed with this scientifically derived data, you can guide your children better & help them march towards excellence. This is a totally customized service & always conducted one-to-one to maintain confidentiality. Please call us to know more about this program @ +91 – 9483009981

Advantages of counseling for better parenting:

  • Raise the children in the right way – by loving, being supportive, and caring to ensure children develop right attitude towards life
  • Learn when to appreciate children and when not to
  • Understand how to help children become independent and help them take decisions
  • Understand how to instill self-confidence in children
  • Learn how to support children in their academic activities and help them succeed
  • Take care of their respective spouses

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